Here is how to copy the Clockwork Mod Recovery(CWM) backup off your Moto G(without actual SD card slot) android phone. You will need adb installed on your machine for this to work, lots of tutorials online on how to accomplish that.
Copy CWM Backup From C: drive of your desktop to Moto G:
adb push C:/ /mnt/shell/emulated/clockworkmod/backup
Syntax is: adb push <destination> <source>
Copy CWM Backup from Moto G to C: drive of your computer:
adb pull /mnt/shell/emulated/clockworkmod/backup C:/
Copy CWM Backup From C: drive of your desktop to Moto G:
adb push C:/ /mnt/shell/emulated/clockworkmod/backup
Syntax is: adb push <destination> <source>
Copy CWM Backup from Moto G to C: drive of your computer:
adb pull /mnt/shell/emulated/clockworkmod/backup C:/